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\UltraMonthViewMulti - Select from Keyboard

I have users that also use the keyboard keys (CTRL + Spacebar) to select and deselect items on UltraMonthViewMulti control. And have to hold CTRL + ArrowKey to move between items

Users want  to be able to perform this functionaily without having to use CTRL as they are always going to be accessing in the control whice would require to always hold that key to select/deselect dates from months on the control.

Looking at previous post, need to do similiar to what was down with mouse but instead with keyboard. Is there an override through a "Key Down" approach so that user would only have to use Spacebar and Arrow Keys to select multiple dates and not have to hold CTRL also?


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  • 69832
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    The SelectionStrategyExtended class (in our framework) only supports extended selection in the manner you describe here with the control key. I vaguely remember messing around with this once by deriving a class from it and overriding certain methods to get the behavior you describe here. The gist was to override ProcessKeyboardItem and force the 'control' parameter to true, thus tricking the control into thinking the control key is pressed.

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