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UltraGridExporter and images columns

I have been in search of a solution for my problem and I just can't find what I'm looking for.  So here is the problem.    I have a startexportofgrid function that is in a UILayoutHandler class.  The startexportofgrid is a generic function that exports data out to an excel spreadsheet.  The problem I'm having is 1 column is an image and it export perfect, but when the user goes in and tries to delete the column the column deletes but the image stays.  After reading through the forum I understand why this is happening and I found a couple of examples, but I'm not able to figure out how to use the examples for my issue.

So my question is how can I modify this function to take the first column and make the image part of the cell instead off being ontop of the cell?

Here is the function:

 Protected Overridable Function StartExportOfGrid(ByVal GridToExport As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGrid) As String

        ' Create a temp file for exporting, then send data there.
        Dim FileName As String = FileHelper.CombinePathAndFile( _
            FileHelper.GetTempFolder, _
            FileHelper.GetRandomFileName(GridToExport.Name.ToString.Replace("lst", "").Replace("grd", ""), "xls"))
        Dim Exporter As New Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ExcelExport.UltraGridExcelExporter

        Exporter.Export(GridToExport, FileName)

        Return FileName

    End Function

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    I don't believe there is any way to do this. Excel does not support embedding images in a cell, only overlaying the image onto the sheet and anchoring it to a particular location relative to the cell.

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