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Highlight value list item in rowfilterdropdown

I am trying to highlight the valuelistitem in the row filter dropdown that represents the current  column filter comparevalue.

I have tried the following to no avail:



Me.dgDF.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).ColumnFilters(e.Column.Key).FilterConditions.Count > 0 Then

e.ValueList.SelectedItem =

CType(e.ValueList.FindByDataValue(Me.dgDF.DisplayLayout.Bands(0).ColumnFilters(e.Column.Key).FilterConditions(0).CompareValue), ValueListItem)

End If

I have read that SelectedItem only works when the editor for the control is an EditorWithCombo, but I can't find a way to access and change the editor or know if I am even heading in the right direction.

Is there a way to highlight an item in the BeforeRowFilterDropDown eventhandler just as it is highlight when the Mouse hovers over an item?

Thanks for your help

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