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Is it possible to hide tab-area from ribbon?


I am curious if there is a way to hide the tab-area from the ribbon. I have included a manipulated picture to illustrate what I am looking for. In this scenario I have only one tab on the ribbon.

Thank you in advance for any hints or solutions to how I can be able to do this (in code)!

  • 48586



    It is possible if you made a custom implementation of creation filter interface like the following one:


    class MyCreation:IUIElementCreationFilter


            #region IUIElementCreationFilter Members


            public void AfterCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)


                RibbonTabItemUIElement ribonTab = parent as RibbonTabItemUIElement;

                if (ribonTab != null)


                   ribonTab.Rect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0);




            public bool BeforeCreateChildElements(UIElement parent)


                return false;







    And in the load event of the form add the following:

    ultraToolbarsManager1.CreationFilter = new MyCreation();


    More about creation filter you could find here:



    Let me know if you have any further questions.