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Tri State Editor

How can I have an editor that allows tri state edit? (true, false, null)
I have an Ultragrid bound to an object with a nullable Boolean property. So fare no problem the values are displayed correct with a checkbox (checked, unchecked, intermediate). The problem is that the user has no possibility to set the value back to intermediate once checked or unchecked is selected.
What I have tried/checked so far:
* The datatype of the column is recognized by the grid (nullable Boolean) and I can’t change it since it is bound.
* I can’t set an Editor for that column since the list of editors is empty.
What am I doing wrong? Is this a bug? Can anybody help?


  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted


    The list of editors is populated based on the controls you have on the form. So you would need to place an UltraCheckEditor control on the form with the grid before you try to select an editor. You could also assign an editor at run-time, too.

    But in any case, you really don't need an editor here. There is a much simpler way:

    column.Style = Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.ColumnStyle.TriStateCheckBox;

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