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PieChart wedge tooltip is inconsistent with wedge label

Hi, I've filed Incident WiC2399 for this, but I have not received any correspondence and the incident is in Awaiting Customer Action for some reason. I'll paste my issue here in case anyone else is interested:

When a PieChart or PieChart3D displays data containing negative values, it calculates wedge size and label percentage according to the absolute values of the value (as documented). But in the tooltip, <PERCENT_VALUE:#0.00> is calculated on the raw value. So the wedge label showing <PERCENT_VALUE:#0.00> and the tooltip showing <PERCENT_VALUE:#0.00> will be different if there are any negative values being charted.

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  • 28496
    Offline posted

    i submitted this as a bug (BR32357), so we will fix it for an upcoming hotfix release.  you can contact developer support at any time to inquire about the status of this bug.

     if you submitted a support issue and didn't get a response, please email

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