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Ultragrid SammerySettings.DysplayFormat pace holder for literal.

I have a bool column in a grid with groupings. In order to display an indicator on the group row that shows if any of the child rows in the group are checked I used a CustomSummaryCalculator class that looks like this.

internal class DoFxCustomSummary : ICustomSummaryCalculator


private bool total;

public void BeginCustomSummary(SummarySettings summarySettings, RowsCollection rows)


total = false;



public void AggregateCustomSummary(SummarySettings summarySettings, UltraGridRow row)




total = true;






total = true;




public object EndCustomSummary(SummarySettings summarySettings, RowsCollection rows)




return "X";


return "";



This code works fine except when the value show up in the grid group row it picks up the default format and looks like this Summary = X. O only what to see X. I need to set the DisplayFormat property of the SummarySetting to something that will have a place holder for a literal and for the life of me I cannot find how to do it.  I have seen a million examples of numeric formats or date formats but nothing that contains a literal. At this point I am going a bit nuts. So far I spent 2 days for something so trivial.  PLEASE HELP!!!