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Flickering / performance issue

I have a MDI Winform application with user controls loading into UltraGroupBox .  A my typical usercontrol has an UltraGroupBox with Docking set to right side, a dynamically loaded Usercontrol with docking set to Bottom and an Ultragrid dock set to Full.  The UltragroupBox on the right side has typically 5 panels with each dock setting to top.  Inside each panel is an Ultrabutton with docking set to Top.  THis technique allows me to set a panel containing ultrabutton visisble to false and gave the remaining panels with buttons move to the top of the form.


I can load or not load appstyling in my application so it is easy to tell the difference in performance.  When I have the appsyler loaded for Office2007Blue style and I try to resize the form in question, the panels the contain the UltraButton flicker repeatedly and allows the user to see immense amount of flicker and is very slow painting.  Unacceptable in a commercial application we are building.

I have set in the usercontrol,


Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer _

Or ControlStyles.UserPaint _

Or ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, _


and suspend.layout, resume layout on usercontrol resize event.


So the question is can I get the appstyler to delay its processing until the form has found it correct size when the mouse is lifted on a drag.

 We love the appstyler but are considering dumping usage unless we can find a satisfactory answer.  Configurable screens are nice but not worth massive slow down in paint processing 


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  • 469350
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    I'm not really sure there is any way to prevent the styling from occurring. My guess is that it's not the styling itself which is causing the flickering, but rather the fact that the style makes some controls transparent. In my experience, these sorts of flickers are often caused by nested transparent controls. You might want to examine the application style and see if there are controls whose BackColor's are Transparent that perhaps don't need to be. Maybe you can assign solid colors to get around the issue. 

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