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UltraGrid activating rows in a hidden band


I've got a problem with UltraGrid activating rows in a hidden band.

Basically I've got a DataSet with a master table (M) and two child tables (C1 and C2) bound to an Ultragrid via a BindingSource (DataMember is M). The band of C2 is hidden. When the user clicks on a row of the band of C1, a new row is inserted into table C2.

There are then two AfterRowActivate events being fired: On the first one the ActiveRow is the row the user clicked, on the second one the ActiveRow is the new newly inserted row of the hidden band. The row the user clicked on keeps being painted as the active row.

If the band of C2 is actually not hidden, only one AfterRowActive event is fired (for the row the user clicked on) and everything works ok.

I would excpect the same behaviour from UltraGrid when the band is hidden - am I missing something or is this a bug and is there a workaround?

I am using v8.2 (v.8.1 had the same problem).

I have a small example programm attached which demonstrates what I described.


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