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UltraExpandableGroupBox expand mousehover


I'm trying the possibilitys of the ultraExpandableGroupBox.

What I want to accomplish is when the mouse is over the component, then set it to expanded. I can accomplish this by the event mouseHover. But how can I change the control expanded to false when the user doesn't hover the component. Like a mouseEndHover event (which doesn't exist).

I would like this behaviour because in the groupbox I would place a Tree with my Menu. So when the user hovers the control the menu is shown, and when he leaves or choose a node in the treeview, hide the groupbox again. Or is there another control that is better for this.

Another thing is that I need two of these expandable groupboxes, and preferable at the left-side.  The problem is that I can't place the headers next to each other in a vertical way. Horizental is possible because I can set the width of the control.  The body of the control should be the height of the form, but the header only a part of the height.

Thanks for looking into my questions.

Kind regards

Bart S