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XamTreeGrid not releasing its resource when using DragDropManager


I am using the XamTreeGrid for showing folders and files inside our LOB application. In order to handle drag'n'drop inside this XamTreeGrid, we are using the dragDropManager, as shown i the following code

  <igWPF:XamTreeGrid x:Name="treeGrid" PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown="treeGrid_PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown" PreviewMouseMove="treeGrid_PreviewMouseMove"
                           DataSource="{Binding FsoItems}"
                           ActiveDataItem="{Binding SelectedFsoItem}"
                           local:XamTreeGrid.DoubleClickCommand="{Binding FsoItemDoubleClickedCommand}"
                           local:XamTreeGrid.DoubleClickCommandParameter="{Binding ActiveDataItem, RelativeSource={RelativeSource Self}}"
                           Drop="treeGrid_Drop" DragOver="treeGrid_DragOver" AllowDrop="True"
                <ig:DragSource IsDraggable="True"
                               DragStart="DragSource_DragStart" />

The drag'n'drop works as expected, but the view containing this XamTreeGrid are not released properly, when deactivating the view. This behaviour only occurs if i expand one of the "folder" nodes before I deactivate the view. If I do not expand/collapse any of the folder nodes, the view deactivates as expected. And if I comment out the "ig:DragDropManager.DragSource" section, it deactivates as expected no matter if the folder nodes was expanded or not.

Are there something that needs to be set up, in any other way?

Best Regards

Dennis Tycho Nielsen