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How to group recordfilters in infragistics

Lets say I have the following record filtes and conditions

Recordfilter RecordFilterA containing ComparisionCondition ConditionA and Operates on FieldA

Recordfilter RecordFilterB containing Two ComparisionConditions ConditionB1 and ConditionB2 and operates on FieldB

With the above, I wish to group the above conditions in the following way

(ConditionA AND ConditionB1) OR ConditionB2

they should be nested as indicated by use of parenthesis above.

is it possible? If yes then how?

  • 28945
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Ashutosh,

    This isn't built in, yet. Cross Field filtering be included in our upcoming service release, planned for next week.
    In the meantime you can work around by managing your filtering manually via external filtering with a CollectionView to achieve the behavior you want. For this to work you need to set the XamDataGrid's FieldLayoutSettings FilterEvaluationMode property to "UseCollectionView"

    For more details about using a CollectionView with external filtering please visit here:

    Let me know if you have any questions regarding this matter.