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Xamgrid AddnewRow

Hi team, i am new to WPF and Infragistics world, need help from WPF experts,

We are using Xamgrid in our application, we enabled AddNewRow , everything is fine with new row functionality when we tab out from row, new row is getting added to grid,but we have a requirement when we click + symbol on header row grid only we need to add new row, how can i achieve this functionality 

  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello Haranath,

    The AddNewRowSelectorCellControl can be modified to add custom logic for adding new row to XamGrid control as Nikolay has described at

    To suppress the adding of a new row on Enter or Escape key down, you can handle the PreviewKeyDown event to check the pressed key and raise flags. Based on the raised flags you can decide whether the CellExitingeditMode event should be canceled or not. The attached sample illustrates this approach.

    Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.