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XamDateTimeInput block dates

I have a XamDataGrid where I use the XamDateTimeInput as EditTemplate for a TemplateField.
I don't use the default DateTimeField, because I think the Calendar of it is pretty ugly and wasn't able to change the it's Template to the one of the XamDateTimeInput.

I now have the problem, that I have a List of Dates that only shall be selectable, and have gaps between them. For example 14.08.2018 till 16.08.2018, 21.08.2018 and so on. Because of that MaxValue and MnValue aren't enough.
I have tried to use the ValueConstraint Enumeration, what threws an exception at the confirmation of the Value but I can still select the Date in the Calendar and so on.

                                        <ig:ValueConstraint Enumeration="{Binding Source={StaticResource enum}, Path=MyEnum}"/>

Back with the XamDateTimeEditor I had the same problem, I tried to solve with the following code. But the loop takes extremely long.

private void XamDateTimeEditor_DropDownOpened(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

            XamMonthCalendar xamMonthCalendar = Infragistics.Windows.Utilities.GetTemplateChild<XamMonthCalendar>((XamDateTimeEditor)sender);

            xamMonthCalendar.DisabledDaysOfWeek = Infragistics.Controls.DayOfWeekFlags.Sunday;
            xamMonthCalendar.MinDate = DateTime.Today;

            DataTable dt = Daten.GibNotAllowedDates(GlobaleVariablen.selGruppe);

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                Infragistics.Windows.Editors.CalendarDateRange calendarDateRange = new Infragistics.Windows.Editors.CalendarDateRange((DateTime)dr["Datum"]);

