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General Styles question (Theming plugins)


my application has a plug-in architecture, where plug-ins can be developed independetly regarding the main app. In order I only have one place where I can specifiy the style or altering some infragistic themes, I placed all the code in the App.xaml file.

The issue I have is, that in my plug-in cannot access this app.xaml file at design time. I can use the styles and it is working at run time, but at design time I get error messages, that the resource cannot be located (missing).

Is there a way I can share such app.xaml styles in the plug-in project at design time?

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Markus,

    I have been discussing this issue with my teammates, and from your description, it sounds like you are trying to access some theming styles from a different .csproj project than the XAML for these files exists in. If I am correct, then in order to do this, I would recommend moving your XAML into an external ResourceDictionary to a place where you can access it from both your plug-in projects and your main one. Doing this, you should be able to access those ResourceDictionaries at the file path that you place them and load them specific to the project. As far as I am aware, there does not exist a way to access them from separate projects.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.