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How to copy and paste the contents of a cell alone in xamDataGrid


<dataPresenter:FieldLayoutSettings AllowClipboardOperations="Copy,Paste"/>

    When I try to copy using the above code, the entire row of the xamDatagrid gets copied to the clipboard.

What i need is to copy only the contents of that particular cell that is in focus to clipboard. Require help on how to copy the contents of a particular focused cell that is read only to a clipboard.

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Gayatrhi,

    The XamDataGrid’s copy operation will copy the currently selected items in the grid, and so if the entire row is selected, the copy operation will copy the entire row of values.

    If you set the XamDataGrid.FieldSettings.CellClickAction property to “SelectCell” this will select cells in the grid on click, and on the copy operation, it should copy only the cell values that are selected.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.