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XamRibbon Hide ApplicationMenu/QAT bar


I want to have a XamRibbon tabs in my app, but also want to have few controls underneath (buttons in my attached project).

I am not able to hide the extra bar at the tob of the XamRibbon. The QuickAccessToolbar visibility is set to Collapsed.

  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Somanna,

    I snooped the application and find this top area is rootVisual and its set to some minHeight ,I set it to 0 removed this area as you want.

    So something like this would help:

    private void XamRibbon_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            XamRibbon ribbon = sender as XamRibbon;
            Grid grid = Utilities.GetDescendantFromName(ribbon, "rootVisual") as Grid;
            if (grid != null)
                grid.RowDefinitions[0].MinHeight = 0;