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XamDataGrid scrollbar problems for hierarchical results when AutoFit is used

I have a problem with appearing scrollbars for hierarchical view when AutoFit is used. I found very old thread which was redirecting to Microsoft site with resolution which unfortunately is already dead.

I've also created sample application. How to resolve scrolling multiple problems?

Sample application:

Update: the vertical scroll bar is not shown due minWidth setting for data grid. However, the horizontal is not appearing at all once expanded row and later still calculates width incorrectly.

  • 925
    Verified Answer
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    After long play around I found resolution option. The change is trivial: use for all child table columns Width=Auto option. So adjusting last data grid to have width Auto solved display problem. So this is not a bug in the Microsoft.

    								<igDP:Field Name="CellInstanceVersion" Label="Active version" Width="Auto" />