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Removing checkbox in child records

 Hello, I followed the example from Josh Smith to put CheckBoxes in record selectors in a grid.  However, now there are checkboxes in the child records in the hierarchical view, as well as the child record headers.  I do not want checkboxes for these child records, only the parent level records.


Is there a way I can only add the checkboxes for the top level records?


Currently I am adding the comboboxes using the Template property in igDP:RecordSelector and igDP:HeaderPrefixArea.


<Style TargetType="{x:Type igDP:RecordSelector}" BasedOn="{x:Null}">

<Setter Property="Template">




  • 69686


    To have checkboxes only on the first layout ( and not on the child records ), you have to :

    1) give a x:key to the Style of the RecordSelector.

    2) set the RecordSelectorStyle property of the layout ( in this case 0 ) to that style (with the key)

    For example:

           <Style x:Key="recordSelectorCheckBoxStyle" TargetType="{x:Type igDP:RecordSelector}">
                <Setter Property="Template">


    and then  

    xamDataGrid1.FieldLayouts[0].Settings.RecordSelectorStyle = FindResource("recordSelectorCheckBoxStyle") as Style; 

    Hope this helps. 



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