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Infragistics XamNumericEditor: Require XamNumericEditor as a numeric textbox which can take values from 0 to 999

Hi all,

            Require to make the XamNumericEditor as a numeric textbox which can take values from 0 to 999.


            I’ve tried the following code as mentioned below Code1 and Code2, Getting error message "Value is invalid, Please enter a Valid value" when numbers are provided which are less than three digits number and tabbed out.


            Looks like it is validating the blank value and providing invalid value message. Is there any solution/workaround for this?






<igEditors:XamNumericEditor Grid.Column="1" Margin="21,6,8.5,1" Name="txtMinFlightDelay" xmlns:igEditors="" ToolTip="Enter Minimum Flight Delay" TabIndex="0" Mask="###"/>




                        <igEditors:XamNumericEditor Grid.Column="1" Margin="21,6,8.5,1" Name="txtMinFlightDelay" xmlns:igEditors="" ToolTip="Enter Minimum Flight Delay" TabIndex="0" Mask="###">


                                <igEditors:ValueConstraint ValidateAsType="PositiveInteger64" MinInclusive="0"  MaxInclusive="999"/>





Error message in Messagebox: "Value is invalid, Please enter a Valid value".


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