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XamDataGrid automatically add new record to bottom?

In this application, generally the user starts with either a blank slate (for which no grid is present until the 'Add row' button is presssed to add a blank record, which they then fill in), or some amount of data that's either been loaded from a previous session or imported. Before, if you wanted to add 5 new rows, you have to hit the 'Add row' button (which actually alters the VM, not the view) five times.

The functionality I am looking for is that when you tab past the last column of the last record, rather than giving focus to the next UIElement in the view, it instead adds a new blank record at the end of the grid, and sets the first cell to edit mode. This allows a user to very quickly input lots of data by keyboard without having to move the mouse up to the 'add row' button for each new line.

I cannot simply make an event handler for the LostKeyboardFocus event, because there are quite a number of other situations in which that event would fire when unintended. Perhaps I need to handle the tab 'button down' event directly with lots of conditionals? I'm hoping there's a more elegant way.