Hi,I am trying to add the printing functionality into XamDataChart control. Based on the article http://blogs.infragistics.com/wpf/articles/printing-the-xamdatagrid-with-infragistics-reports.aspx I can get the chart visuals in the print preview dialog. However it does not include the Legends nor it displays the x-Axis labels i.e. it does not attempt to fit the chart visuals.
Above is the actual chart while below is the print preview.
The option to create a vectored graphics primitive rather than a BitMap is a new product idea and you can submit this idea on our wpf ideas site.
hi Stefan, I read your the referenced article and also looked at the example "Printing Multi-Section Documents." I printed out the sample from "Printing Multi-Section Documents" to a pdf file. I noticed the data grid had individual strings for the XamDataGrid Data printout, but for the XamDataChart Visual it was one big Bitmap. Is it possible to print out the chart and vectored graphics primitives instead of a BitMap? This would siginificantly reduce the size of the pdf file, especially if the chart to be printed out was large. Is this possible?
You can look into this blog:
where it is explained how to export a XamDataChart into Image. After doing so you can print the Image.
Where might the link referenced in the original go? it is not longer a vlaid link.
I can't actually tell what may be causing that to occur, is there a way that you could share a small sample project that reproduces the issue?