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Converting XamTilesControl to XamTileManager

I have an application that I am upgrading from v11.1 to v12.2. We have some DataTemplates that can trigger behavior in a containing Tile. For example:

Foreground="{StaticResource SPS.BlackText}"
Command="{x:Static ig:XamTile.ToggleMaximizedCommand}"
CommandParameter="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type ig:XamTile}}}">

With v12.2 there is no longer a static command that I can bind this control's command to. The Infragistics.Commanding.Command does not support assigning this command to a Hyperlink.

Please suggest an alternative way to bind the hyperlink's Command to its parent Tile's ToggleMaximizedCommand.