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Resetting of Field Chooser Select & Deselect


We have a xamdatagrid with 200 columns and we are trying to use the 'FieldChooser' to select & deselect the user to choose a field. We have a combobox in place which allows you to choose customized view of the data grid. By default, the grid would not be customized and the settings is named as "Default View". The grid can be customized only when the combobox value is not "Default View". I have restricted the customization for field choosing and field changing events of the grid. However, when I select another view and change the view settings of the grid (deselect / select few of the columns via the field chooser) - Save against the custom name and then select the default view from the combo box - the field chooser does not reset (i.e. select all). I have used ClearCustomization and LoadCustomization methods accordingly, but not able to do a select all the fields from the field chooser to show up. Basically, the fields from the customized grid is retained in the default view of the grid.

Can you please let us know how to get this functionality?

Thanks in advance,


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