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XamDataGrid doesn't update when i click a checkbox until i leave that cell

I have SEVERAL XamDataGrids in my application, and I want all of them to enable the respective Save buttons as soon as the user changes a checkbox in them.  This currently doesn't happen until I leave the cell or press enter etc, because the cell is still in edit mode.  I know how to fix this using a post I found in code-behind:

private void XamDataGrid_CellChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.CellChangedEventArgs e)
            e.Cell.Record.SetCellValue(e.Cell.Field, e.Editor.Value, true);

But how can i handle this for ALL my grid across the app, without putting this in code-behind for every grid?  I am using MVVM and would prefer to not have any code behind, if possible.  If I have to, i will, but i defintitely don't want it in the code behind in 17 different files with grids.