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How change XamCurrencyEditor's default cursor position to $ instead of cents when GotFocus?

I am using the following to selectAll text when the XamCurrencyEditor gets focus, but the cursor is defaulted to the "cents" part of the editor.  This results in the SpinButtons adjusting the cents portion of the amount, but i would like it to default to adjust the $ portion instead.  When a user focuses the editor with $10.00 displayed, and clicks "UP", I want it to become $11.00, not $10.01.  How can I accomplish this?

In XamCurrencyEditor's XAML: GotFocus="XamCurrencyEditorGotFocus"

private void XamCurrencyEditorGotFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            XamCurrencyEditor currencyEditor = sender as XamCurrencyEditor;
            if (currencyEditor != null)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyEditor.Text))