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[Urgent] customize the Header part of the xamDatagrid as the Hyper link .

The Header Label part to be customized like, the Header label background empty and the Header label should be shown as simply in the  Hyper Link. And the sorting should be done basedonclick of the Hyper Link Header column. Am struggling for this to get it in our xamDatagrid. Since less samples for the xamDataGrid Header customizing. And also the Field and the Field object is created through  the  code behind . Please find the sample code am using


  FieldLayout fldLayout = new FieldLayout();
            fldLayout.FieldSettings.AllowEdit = false;

            Field fld = new Field();
            fld.Name = name;
            fld.Label = label;
            fld.DataType = type;
            fld.Settings.LabelMinWidth = cellWidth;
            fld.Settings.CellMaxWidth   = cellWidth;
            fld.Settings.LabelMaxWidth = labelWidth;
            fld.Settings.LabelMinWidth = labelWidth;




using this i need to customize the Header labels.