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XamNumericEditor Digit Grouping

Hi Support,

We have a WPF application in which we are using xamdatagrid (Infragistics 14.2) to show data.

Our dataset (DataSource of xamdatagrid) contains some columns that have decimal datatype and for decimal columns xamdatagrid uses XamNumericEditor.We are creating a style (TargetType

 is XamNumericEditor) at runtime for those field whose datatype is decimal.In style I am using XamMaskedEditor as in given code.

String strMask=”nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.nnnn”;              

Style s = new Style();

s.TargetType = typeof (Infragistics.Windows.Editors.XamNumericEditor);

s.Setters.Add(new Setter(XamMaskedEditor.MaskProperty, "-" +strMask));

xamDataGrid1.FieldLayouts[0].Fields[“Value1”].Settings.EditorStyle = s;               

Now issue is that these field do not group value according current culture(If I  remove this style,works proper)

e.g. if cell value is 247661.02 and I am in English culture it shows 247661.02 instead of 247,661.02

because default English culture digit grouping is 123,456,789.

e.g. if cell value is 247661.02 and I am in Italian culture it shows 247661,02 instead of 247.661,02

because default   Italian  digit grouping is  123.456.789

So can I have both masking and grouping of numbers basis of current culture.

Thanks in advance.