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How to set NeedleShape

For the life of me, I can't figure out how to set the NeedleShape for a XamRadialGauge.  I am using version 2014.2.

The sample from this page: in the article on configuring needles, the sample XAML code doesn't work for me.  I am told that there is no property called NeedleShape.  Here is the example code given in the example:

<ig:XamRadialGauge x:Name="radialGauge" Value = “60EndExtent = “0.5NeedleShape = “RectangleNeedlePivotShape = “CircleWithHole> </ig:XamRadialGauge>

 One would think that it should be a property on RadialGaugeNeedle, but that doesn't seem to work either.

Here is the XAML for my gauge.  It works as shown below, but I need to add the code to set the needle shape.  How do I do this?  The documentation is not clear.

<ig:XamRadialGauge Grid.Row="0" Width="400" x:Name="TempGauge" >
<ig:RadialGaugeScale StartValue="-100" EndValue="40" StartAngle="-225" EndAngle="45">
<ig:RadialGaugeNeedle x:Name="GuageNeedle" Value="20" AllowDrag="False" EndExtent=".8"/>
<ig:RadialGaugeLabelGroup Interval="20" FontSize="32"/>
<ig:RadialGaugeTickMarkGroup Interval="10" StartExtent="0.5" EndExtent="0.9" />
<ig:RadialGaugeRange Fill="LightGreen"