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WPF 2015.1 - Needle "jumps" sometimes despite of the TransitionDuration set properly


I have three radial gauges showing three values. Each of these values is calculated "simultaneously" (bound to values of an array returned by a method).

Each gauge has the same TransitionDuration="500":

The behaviour is, however, that sometimes the needles are moving smoothly, as expected, and sometimes they make a small jump from the initial position, then stay there for the rest of the TransisitonDuration without any movement and then they "jump" to the end position (no smooth moving). Additionally, I have an impression that when this "jumping" takes place then the event handling in general is blocked for a moment...

What could be the reason of?



Btw. The values, the gauges are bound are not calculated frequently (at user click somewhere). I had no problems of this nature using a "free" gauge, so I don't have any doubt that the values bound to are calculated once.