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Are infragistics DLL files from Windows server 2003 compatible on server Windows server 2012

We recently copied some DLL files from server 2003 to our new server that's a 2012 machine because the DLL files for Infragistics are not installed. Is this the correct approach or should an upgrade be considered? If so why?

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    I am assuming that you are moving the deployment of a web application from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2012 and if so, this should work fine as long as the version of the .NET framework that you are targeting is on the newer server.  Note that many of our older assemblies wouldn't have been tested in the newer environment if it is newer than the assemblies and there have been a few bugs that have been address that are OS or Framework specific over the years so you will need to test your application on the new server as well when you move it.

    If you do have issues, knowing what the specific issue is and what version you are using will help us to provide better guidance on the best approach to resolve the issue.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.
