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column chart - cant get x axis to show

Can anyone show me how to get my graph to show values along the x axis ? Im passing data into the chart that has a volume (numeric) and a date.  I want to display volume in the 'Y' axis and dates along the 'X' axis.  My dataset has 31 records, so thats 31 dates each having an associated volume.  Ive followed the examples as best I can, but the X axis has nothing, no columns.  The Y axis has a numeric range, so that seems to work OK.  Heres my grid

                .Subtitle("subtitle here")
                .Axes(axis =>
                .Series(series =>
                    series.Column("Hedges").XAxis("DateAxis").YAxis("VolumeAxis").IsHighlightingEnabled(true).IsTransitionInEnabled(true).ValueMemberPath(v => v.Volume);
                .DataSourceUrl(Url.Action("GetChartData", "Contract", new { contractId = Model.ContractId }))

Ive never used the chart component before and the infragistics help system is very, very poor (hardly anything for mvc helper) so its proving to be a very steep learning curve.  Can anyone tell me where Ive gone wromng with the above ?

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    Hello Mark,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    This issue has been logged with the ID 237654. You also have a private case(CAS-184258-M6K1D5) where I will provide you with further information concerning this matter.

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