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ultragrid (win) v.15 Sorted Columns

I'm using the win ultragrid v. 15 in visual studio 2010, Visual Basic

I'm trying to clear all column sorts (single band) on an ultragrid. All of my searches have turned up (old) posts about calling the ultragrid.bands(0).SortedColumns.clear(), but that method does not appear to exist on the version 15 of the ultragrid. what method has replaced it?

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  • 6120
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Vince,

    I believe you are using Infragistics 15.1 or 15.2. SortedColumns.Clear method exists in both of these versions. Please try modifying your code like below in order to resolve this issue:


    Please let me know if I may be of further assistance.

    Sahaja Kokkalagadda
    Associate Software Developer
