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UltraTextEditor Readonly AlwaysInEditMode

I have two UltraTextEditors, both with Readonly set to true. In one editor I could edit text, in the other I could not. Finally I found out, In the textedor in which I can edit text was set AlwaysInEditMode to true.

So, when AlwaysInEditMode true and Readonly to true you can edit text in an UltraTextEditor. Can someone confirm that behaviour? If so, is this a bug or a feature?

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    Hi Martin,

    This is not expected behavior. I tried this out quickly and found that I was not able to edit text when ReadOnly and AlwaysInEditMode were both set to true.

    If you can provide a reproduction sample for this issue, I can look into it to determine why it is happening.

    Please let me know if you are able to provide this.
