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ItemTemplate ImageButton CommandArgument

I have a WHDG that is bound to a dataset and has one TemplateDataField and one ItemTemplate with an ImageButton. I am setting the CommandArgument of the ImageButton to the value of a column in my data source. I can set it to any column in that dataset except the column that is referenced in the DataKeyFields property of the grid. When I use that column, which is the primary key of the dataset, the CommandArgument that I get server side is a negative (-) number and is not the proper value of that record. It appears to be the index of the row that contains the imagebutton.

Server Side Handler 





void btnGoClientDetails_Command(object sender, EventArgs e)









ImageButton img = (ImageButton)sender;





int WorkItemPCNId = 0;




if (img != null){ 

WorkItemPCNId =






Grid code
















ig:WebHierarchicalDataGrid ID="PCNGrid" runat="server" Height="700px" Width="1100px"








AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataMember="ObjectDataSource1_DefaultView"




DataSourceID="WebHierarchicalDataSource1" Key="ObjectDataSource1_DefaultView"




OnDataBound="PCNGrid_DataBound" DataKeyFields="WorkItemPCNID" >









<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="WorkItemPCNID" Key="WorkItemPCNID" Hidden





<Header Text="WorkItemPCNID"










<ig:BoundDataField DataFieldName="SourcePCNId" Key="SourcePCNId" Hidden





<Header Text="SourcePCNId"
















<ig:TemplateDataField Key="SelectRow" Hidden="false" Width










<asp:ImageButton ID="btnGoClientDetails" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/images/ViewDetails.gif" ToolTip="View Details In PIMs Database"




OnCommand="btnGoClientDetails_Command" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("WorkItemPCNID")%>'










<Header Text=""








  • 295

    Figured it out myself. Was a problem with the dataset. Not the grid.