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Problem saving data from double datatype column

I have a WebGrid with the following column:

<igtbl:UltraGridColumn BaseColumnName="RentAmount" AllowUpdate="Yes" Format="$ ###,###,###.##" DataType="System.Decimal">
<Header Caption="Rent">
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="4" />
<RowLayoutColumnInfo OriginX="4" />

 When I try to Save the Changes of the web grid it will save without any problem is there are no decimal places in the value that I enter.
If I save 700.00, it will save. If I try 700.50 it will change the value of the column to False after the postback. I tried this with both System.Double and System.Decimal data types.

When I was debugging and running through the server code, it showed the value as 0 when I was looping through the grid and getting the values of the columns to update.

Any help would be appreciated.







  • 19308

    With out a repro, it's difficult to say what may be going wrong.  It sounds like a bug on the surface, but there are a couple of things that I would want to check first.  You didn't mention what your datasource looks like.  Is this a bound or unbound grid/column?  Also, when you looped through the data, did you check the .Text or the .Value property of the cell? 

  • 5


    I have also encoutred the same problem. If you find solution to this problem could you please share it.

