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Build an AdHoc Distribution for iOS - Documentation ?

I have been able to install and develop an iPhone app that displays a series of charts on the app. Now it is time to 'package' the app for 'beta' AdHoc distribution to several people. Is there any documentation on which files to include to the distribution and which files not to include - so that the size of the iOS app is minimized ? Currently I have both IG.framework and IG.Chartframework referenced and these are collectively 140 mb ?

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    Hi Murat,

    The linker that builds the application behind the scenes when you instruct the IDE to build will automatically include what is necessary from the framework bundles. For example, the NucliOS sample browser that you can find in the iOS AppStore uses IG.framework and IGChart.framework, and when distributed is 44mb total (includes application and frameworks).

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