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Row reorder

Is there a way to allow the user to drag/drop rows so they can reorder them?  I've seen some old posts indicating you have to roll your own, but wanted to see if any new features have been added to make this easier?

  • 34430
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello AE,

    There does not currently exist built-in support within the XamDataGrid for dragging and dropping records, although this can be achieved using the Infragistics Drag and Drop Framework. You can read about implementing this in the XamDataGrid at the following forum thread, where a sample project demonstrating it exists:

    You can also read further about the Infragistics Drag and Drop Framework here:

    If you would like to see drag and drop functionality included in a future version of the XamDataGrid, I would recommend suggesting a new product idea for it at This product ideas site will place you in direct communication with our product management teams who plan and prioritize upcoming features and development based on community and user feedback.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer