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Automatically show tooltip on UltraButton when ellipsis is shown?

Is there a way to automatically show a tooltip on an UltraButton when an ellipsis is shown?

With an UltraLabel this seems to be default behavior. UltraButton not...???

Kind regards, Joffrey

  • 469350
    Offline posted

    Hi Joffrey,

    There's no built-in support for automatic tooltips like there is in the UltraLabel. This mirrors the support or the inbox Label and Button controls. Also, just so you know, the UltraLabel's automatic tooltip is controlled by the AutoEllipsis property.

    Anyway, you can make the button duplicate the label's tooltip functionality by setting a couple of properties and using a CreationFilter. The CreationFilter is a bit tricky, so I wrote a small sample for you and attached it here. You should be able to use the CreationFilter here with any UltraButton.
