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UltraNumericaEditor display 0 when entered focus?

Hi, There

I have a question regarding the AppStyling and UltraNumericEditor. When I use a default AppStyling for a UltraNumericEditor, the text field displays a disabled 0 when the focus is first entered into the box, either by mouse click or tab key entry. This happens regardless of the value the editor contains. If I click inside the editor text box, the correct value displays when left button is down, but returns to 0 when left button is up. If I use the arrow keys to move around, the correct value starts to show. This only happens when I have AppStyling applied to the editor box, if I disable AppStyling, the Editor box worked properly.

Any suggestion as on what properly I can manuveur in style library to correct this problem?

Thanks in advance.



Richard Zhu

  • 469350
    Suggested Answer
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    Hi Richard,

    I can't see any reason why AppStyling should have any effect on the value in an UltraNumericEditor. AppStylng only controls appearance-related settings.

    If you can provide a small sample project demonstrating this behavior, I will be happy to check it out for you.