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Js Client-side function to get reference for ASP NET WebHierarchicalDataGridcontrol


I am using the following javascript function on a ClientSide event for <DoubleClick event>

var grid = $find("<%= nessEvents.ClientID%>");

This is fine until I perform a AJAX postback for *another* partial view on another part of my page.

Then this won't work. Is there a clientside function like

 var grid1 = ig_getWebControlById(xx)

which is working for me fine in other controls on either page load or postback of any control?

Clearly I am relying on the rich client script model of the controls.

Thanks in advance. Also posted to the main forums.

  • 14517
    Offline posted


    The $find function is normally the most appropriate way to get a reference to the Aikido controls.

    I tried to reproduce the behavior you are experiencing and was unsuccessful. I was able to get a reference to the WebHierarchicalDataGrid using the $find function even while another postback was in progress. Please provide a sample illustrating this behavior or some additional details on how I can reproduce the behavior so that I can be of more assistance.


  • 14517
    Offline posted


    Were you able to resolve your issue or create a sample?

