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Run Error Could not load file or assambly


I'm using QTP 11 and TestAdvantage 11.1CLR2.0

I'm trying to record a script, it seems to be able to record the objects, but when tryin to execute the script fails, its capable recognize the objects and highlight them but it will not interact with them, when trying to click on it will throw the Run Error window with:

"Could not load file or assembly 'Infragistic2.Win.v11.1, Version=11.1.20111.9000, Culture=neutral, PublickKeyToken=/dd%c' or one of its dependecies. The systema cannot find the file specified."

So this error ocurrs when trying to execute this line:


But the line


will work perfectly! 

After looking on the C:\WINDOWS\ASSEMBLY directory I can see that there is no Infragistic file except the Infragistics.License Version 1.0.5005.10

Im completely new at this so I will appriciate any ideas on how to solve this or where else can I look for a solution.
