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How to get all items (not just visible items) from a carousel panel

Using a xamDataCarousel I get the panel using,

CarouselViewPanel viewPanel = (CarouselViewPanel)Utilities.GetDescendantFromType(_dataCarousel, typeof(CarouselViewPanel), true);

I need to attach context menu's to each item in the carousel. Say I have five items in the carousel and the carousel displays three at a time. If I iterate over the viewPanel.ChildElements, I can only attach context menus to the visible (3 in this case) items. How can I get all items (including one's not currently visible) for the viewPanel?

I tried using the DataRecord, dataRecord.Cells["Title].DataPresenter.ContextMenu, but that results on only one context menu for all the items in the carousel. I could populate the menu in the opening event but I wanted to have seperate menu for each item.

Thanks for any help,
