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Install on Windows machine for use in Visual Studio with Xamarin.iOS (Business license)

Hi, when I downloaded Nuclios zip file, it only has a .PKG file that can be used on a Mac. I have a Xamarin.iOS Business license and would like to use these Nuclios controls from within Visual Studio 2013 on a windows machine. How can I get the windows installer (Xamarin.iOS bindings) for this .pkg? Am I missing something?

Thanks in advance for your help!

  • 40030
    Offline posted


    NucliOS does not have a windows installer. 

    Even with Xamarin.iOS, in order to build you still need a mac to actually debug on. I would just recommend running the nuclios installer on your mac, and then transfer over the IG.dll and IGChart.dll over to your windows machine. 
