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Select All checkbox in header of grid


I am using UltraGrid with checkbox in Header. I am using filter row also. When i click on the header of grid i want only visible rows to be checked, not the hidden ones. In figure below, i am filtering with 'c', i want 5 visible rows to be checked. Now all rows are being checked.


Thank you


  • 6158
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Bishwa,

    The synchronization with the Header CheckBox is designed to affect all the rows within the RowsCollection without regards to whether the row is visible or filtered out. Therefore, when the checkbox is checked, the values for the filtered out rows are going to be set as well.

    Internally, there have been discussion about possibility of providing a means to specify which types of rows are affected such as only the Filtered-In rows. If you would like to raise the customer demand for this functionality with our product manager, I would suggest entering a feature request.

    In the meantime to achieve this functionality, you will have to handle the synchronization yourself, by setting the HeaderCheckBoxSynchronization to None, and modifying the value of the appropriate Cells in the AfterHeaderCheckStateChanged event handler. You can access all the Filtered-In rows, using the GetFilteredInNonGroupByRows() method off of the e.Rows parameter.

    Please let me know if you need further assistance regarding this functionality.



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