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LiveTile text center alignment problem


I am attempting to set the alignment of text in a LiveTile object to be in the center, but it only works if the LiveTile object does not have badges.
I have uploaded an example image. It's visible that there are too many unnecessary spaces between the text and the badge. It seems like the text is always centered to the left even though the alignment is set to center.

This is the code I use:

LiveTile liveTile = tileGroup.Tiles.AddLiveTile(item.ID);
liveTile.CurrentSize = (TileSize)item.TileSize;

LiveTileFrameMedium mediumFrame = liveTile.DefaultView.MediumFrames.Add();
TileMediumImage mediumContent = new TileMediumImage();
Utils.SetImageAsync(tileView, image => mediumContent.Image.AllResolutions.Image = image, item.OpenEntityAction.IconProvider);
mediumContent.Image.Scaling = ImageScaling.ScaleToFit;
mediumFrame.Content = mediumContent;
liveTile.Logo.ShortName = item.Transl;

Could you please help me to achieve my goal?

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