Log in to like this post! Developer News - What's IN with the Infragistics Community? (9/21-10/4) Dara Monasch / Monday, October 5, 2015 Honestly you all have stumped me this time! I can't think of anything that's tying these articles together aside from the fact that they're all incredibly interesting! So... check them out, enjoy, and I hope you learn something! 6. Deepomatic Grabs $1.4 Million for its Deep Learning Visual Search Technology (TechCrunch)5. How Web Designers & Developers Work Best Together (WebDesignLedger)4. What is UX Design? 15 User Experience Experts Weigh In (UserTesting)3. How to Think About Security at Startups - It's a Neverending Job (Buffer)2. Version Control Guidance - Alternative Branching Strategies (MSDN Blogs)1. The Research Funnel (Collectively Emma Boulton)