• Interaction Design with Clutter Free UI

    Clutter Free Interaction Design in Indigo Studio

    If you're much like this fella, you probably get sick of all the garbage that most professional software tools foist on you. Bagillions of floating or docked panels, inspectors, property sheets, menus, etc. that you first have to wade through to learn and then remember; not to mention, they just get in your way.

    When we were designing Indigo Studio, this was one of our key concerns. I can sympathize with the other…

    • Fri, Jan 18 2013
  • Indigo Studio Design Rationale - Defining Interactions

    There are many tools available today for designers that claim in some way to be a "prototyping" tool. Most of these imply some kind of interactive capability, and by far most of them, oddly enough, simply mean by this "you can create links between screens." You see this even in wireframing and otherwise static design tools--you can create a clickable PDF, you can link between pages, etc. Heck, even Visio lets you do this…

    • Mon, Jan 14 2013
  • Indigo Studio – An Interaction Design Tool

    Telling a Story with Indigo Studio Storyboards

    This blog is the beginning of a series that will take you into the design rationale behind Indigo Studio, the interaction design tool by Infragistics. The reason this is important is that if you understand the design intent, it can better help you to leverage the tool in your own work.

    Broadly speaking, Indigo Studio was initially conceived of as a UI design and specification tool (with interactive, code-free prototyping…

    • Wed, Dec 12 2012
  • Free Wireframing and Prototyping Tool

    Download Indigo Studio for FREE Yesterday we launched Indigo Studio, our free interaction design tool (i.e., storyboards, wireframing, interactive prototyping—all that stuff!). Version 1 is absolutely free, yours to keep forever. No strings attached. For real, dude!

    “Okay, so what’s the catch?” you are asking yourself. We’ve already had someone say “it’s too good to be free.” So lemme splain to, hopefully, ease your mind. We’re not being sneaky…

    • Fri, Nov 30 2012
  • Announcing Indigo Studio!

    Indigo Studio - Watch the Video We’re super thrilled to announce the release of our new rapid, code-free prototyping tool, Indigo Studio!

    With Indigo Studio, by the time you are done creating wireframes, you will have an interactive prototype ready to present and evaluate! If you want to know what Indigo Studio is all about, check out the Indigo Studio homepage, it’s a great place to start. We won’t bore you here by repeating all that information…

    • Thu, Nov 29 2012