Log in to like this post! Announcing Infragistics Xamarin.Forms! Jason Beres [Infragistics] / Wednesday, October 8, 2014 I am very excited to announce a new partnership with Xamarin and our newest product release to compliment our Native Mobile story with Visual Studio – Infragistics Xamarin.Forms. Over the last few years we have invested heavily in the native UI controls - we have an iOS control set, Android control set and Windows Phone control set. Up until now, the target developer for these control sets were your objective-C, Java or Windows Developer. Now with Infragistics Xamarin.Forms, the market is super-expanded - any Visual Studio, C#, XAML Developer can now write once, a single codebase, and then take our new Xamarin.Forms product with Xamarin’s product and ship native apps that target each major platform in no time.. There are a ton of reasons why this is so exciting, but from a pure cost perspective, using the technology from Infragistics & Xamarin, a company does not need to invest in the training and time loss of learning a new platform – using current C# & XAML skillsets native apps can be churned out in no time compared to building a native experience from scratch on each major mobile platform. Add the long-term maintenance costs of bug fixes, feature changes, UI updates and more, and you are looking at a significant cost savings if you have a single code base to maintain while still having the benefit of native apps on each major platform. Pretty cool! So what exactly are we shipping today? Interactive charting, including common series like Category, Stacked, Polar, Radial & Scatter, complete with trend lines, financial indicators, interactions and animations Additional business data visualizations like Pie Charts, Gauges & Bullet Graphs Fully virtualized, data-bound, high performance data grid with pin-able columns, carousel views, selection events & customizable layouts. If you look at our WPF product, or NucliOS, our native iOS product, and examine the data visualization stack, that’s what you’ll see. Along with that, we’ve built a brand new cross-platform data grid control that we are shipping as well which matches what you’ll find in NucliOS as well. Joseph Hill, Xamarin co-founder, who I’ve had the pleasure of talking to over the last few months and finally met in person today, said this - “Infragistics was one of the first vendors to ship Xamarin support with their native UI control toolkit, so we have been longtime fans of their diverse and sophisticated components. We love the rich imagery and consistent quality of everything that they do and could not be happier to have them on the forefront of the Xamarin.Forms Ecosystem.” So the next step is to get the bits … if you go to https://www.infragistics.com/products/xamarin and enter in your email, you’ll get one back that has the details and the download information. We hope you enjoy Infragistics Xamarin.Forms! Thanks, Jason