4 YouTube Channels All Developers Should Be Watching

DevToolsGuy / Monday, June 24, 2013

The web really is a funny thing. Back in the day, reading a few websites was all you needed to do to stay current and up to date with the latest ‘dev’ news. Then times started changing and blogs and podcasts came in and were all the rage. Soon enough, we were following people on Twitter, or looking at their photographs on Instagram (ok, maybe that last one isn’t the most educational resource).

The point is that the web offers up all kinds of resources for learning. If you prefer reading, the web has that covered. Looking for audio content? Then that is also easy to find. For those you in need of a visual medium, well, there is a plethora of choices for video content across the web, many of which are housed  on YouTube. So without further ado, let us look at four YouTube channels all good developers should be subscribing to.

Google Developer Products


Channel’s Pitch: “Talks, screencasts, interviews, and more relevant to Google's developer products.”

General Technology and Web Videos


Channel’s Pitch: “O'Reilly Media spreads the knowledge of technology innovators through its books, online services, magazines, and conferences.”

Web Development Advice and Tutorials


Channel’s Pitch: “My name is Michael Locke, instructor, designer, brand developer and creative leader specializing in all areas of the web. I have over 15 years of web design experience with high proficiency in front-end web development (XHTML/CSS), UI/UX design, brand development, internet marketing, social media marketing, video marketing, photography, SEO concepts and traditional print design among other things.”

Photoshop, Illustrator, CSS, and HTML Tutorials


Channel’s Pitch: “We started PixelForLife.com in late 2008 in hopes of reaching those who want to learn Photoshop, web design and other media related softwares.”

One Last Thing

A quick mention also needs to go to the Microsoft TechNet Channel 9 video site.  This is a fantastic resource of developer focused videos for Microsoft products, and certainly a site you should know about.